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Thinking about plastic or reconstructive surgery to enhance or restore your appearance?

Neck Liposuction

Neck liposuction (or lipo) is best suited for people who have extra neck fat and either:

  • Neck skin that’s not loose, or
  • Neck skin that has mild laxity (looseness), but isn’t hanging

If the skin on your neck is loose and hanging, then neck liposuction poses an increased risk of skin irregularities that may require additional procedures, such as a facelift, to tighten up remaining loose hanging skin.

The neck liposuction procedure involves sedation anesthesia, there’s relatively little pain following the procedure, scarring is minimal, and most people can return to work in one to five days, depending on bruising. A compression garment must be worn around the neck and head for several days for best results and to promote healing.

The risks of neck liposuction, although rare, include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Dimpling
  • Irregularities of the skin
  • Asymmetry
  • Fluid collection (seromas)
  • Uneven smile

Consult a board-certified Kelsey-Seybold cosmetic surgeon for more information on neck liposuction and to determine if it’s the right procedure for you.


Treat unwanted fat with CoolSculpting!
Safe and effective, this nonsurgical procedure helps contour the body.

Contact Us

2727 West Holcombe Blvd. Houston, Texas 77025