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Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

Arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, is a body contouring procedure that reshapes the underside of your upper arms by removing excess fat and skin that hang in areas between your underarms and elbows. Your upper arms can be contoured to be more proportionate to the rest of your body, which can help give you a more toned look. An arm lift can help improve your self-image and give you the confidence to go sleeveless.

Contouring Your Upper Arms

Loose skin removal, with or without liposuction, can give the arm a smooth appearance by:

  • Removing excess loose skin that sags or hangs from the underside of your upper arms
  • Reducing excess fat in your upper arms, in areas between the underarm and elbow
  • Reshaping and contouring your upper arm to create a firmer and smoother appearance

Surgery to Remove Sagging Skin

Skin laxity results in the appearance of loose, sagging underarms. No matter how thin, anyone could lose skin elasticity due to significant changes in weight, the natural aging process, or genetics. Research findings show that loss of skin elasticity is also accelerated by ultraviolet rays and smoking. In truth, sagging upper arms may be inevitable for the majority of women. Although weight control, exercise, and strength training burn fat and tighten muscles, they don’t do much to reduce loose skin and stubborn fat deposits, which is what arm lifts are designed to do.

What Happens in an Arm Lift Procedure

During an arm lift, your Kelsey-Seybold plastic surgeon will:

  1. Make small incisions in your underarm area.
  2. Tighten the tissue in the incision areas. Liposuction may also be used to remove fat from these areas.
  3. Remove excess skin and tighten remaining skin to reshape your upper arm.
  4. Secure incisions with stitches.

Is an Arm Lift Right for You?

If your upper arms appear heavy and saggy with loose skin hanging from the underside, an arm lift can help remove extra fat and tighten the skin. For many, body contouring procedures like arm lifts can enhance certain aspects of their appearance, which can then improve self-image and boost confidence.

Generally, the best candidates for an arm lift surgery are adults who:

  1. Have excess, loose upper arm skin
  2. Have a relatively normal and stable body weight
  3. Don’t have an illness or health condition that could hinder surgical success or recovery
  4. Can maintain a positive outlook and set realistic expectations

The best way to find out if an arm lift is for you is through a consultation with a board-certified Kelsey-Seybold plastic surgeon.

Preparing for the Procedure

The initial step in any surgical procedure is consultation. Before arm lift surgery, be prepared to discuss the following with your plastic surgeon:

  • Your expectations
  • Any illnesses, health conditions, allergies, and other risk factors that could affect the success or safety of the procedure/li>
  • Medications, vitamins, supplements, alcohol, tobacco, and drug use
  • Any questions or concerns you have about the procedure

The best decisions are informed decisions. A board-certified plastic surgeon at Kelsey-Seybold Clinic can help you learn more about arm lifts, explore other treatment options, and provide more personalized answers based on your individual needs. Our plastic surgeons offer consultation and services for various types of plastic and cosmetic surgery at convenient Houston locations.

What to Expect from Arm Lift Surgery

Before the procedure, your plastic surgeon may ask you to stop consuming alcohol, smoking, and taking certain medications to reduce the risk of complications during the procedure. Typically, an arm lift is completed as an outpatient procedure with either local or general anesthesia.

Recovery and Results After Arm Lift Surgery

The key to a successful arm lift procedure is following all instructions provided by your plastic surgeon before and after your surgery. Although arm lift results are generally long-lasting, inevitable factors such as gravity and age could cause changes in the appearance of your upper arms after surgery. However, maintaining general fitness and a healthy diet to control overall body weight and fat can help preserve the results of surgery.


Treat unwanted fat with CoolSculpting!
Safe and effective, this nonsurgical procedure helps contour the body.

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2727 West Holcombe Blvd. Houston, Texas 77025