What Is Mohs Surgery?
Mohs surgery is a specialized technique for removing commonly occurring skin cancers while sparing the greatest amount of normal, healthy tissue.
Mohs micrographic surgery differs from other methods because cancerous cells are removed in layers and examined during surgery rather than afterward. During the procedure each layer is removed and examined under a microscope until no evidence of cancer cells remains.
Microscopic evaluations during surgery allow your Mohs surgery specialist to target and remove the diseased cells while sparing normal tissue and minimizing scarring for better cosmetic results. Mohs surgery also helps provide better therapeutic results with a lower risk for cancer recurrence. The surgery is completed on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia.
Following removal of cancerous cells, healing options for the surgical wound are discussed. In almost all cases, the reconstructive surgery is performed in our office immediately on the same day. If reconstruction will be performed by another surgeon the scheduling details will all be coordinated by the staff to provide a seamless experience. At Kelsey-Seybold, all Mohs surgeries are performed in a dedicated suite at our Memorial Villages Campus.