Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT)
Expert help for ENT issues, from sinus infections to sleep disorders
Kelsey-Seybold ENTs (otolaryngologists) strive to provide patients with top-of-the-line care for ear, nose, and throat issues. Any problem dealing with the head or neck is something that needs to be treated quickly and efficiently. Our ENT specialists have the technology and skills to diagnose and treat your issue with the utmost care and compassion.
If you have hearing problems, allergies, dizziness, sinus infections, adenoid infections, snoring or sleep disorders, deviated septum, tonsillitis, or another ear, nose, and throat problem, our specialists can help. Our services include general otolaryngology, sinus surgery, pediatric surgery, tonsillectomy, endoscopic procedures, placement of ear tubes, and more.
The Kelsey-Seybold Audiology department can also address hearing needs and work with existing hearing aids to help optimize hearing function.
Our board-certified ENT specialists also manage thyroid and parathyroid disorders, salivary gland problems, cancers of the head and neck, oral lesions, and any "lumps and bumps" in the head and neck.